Leadership's Balancing Act: Tactical Management and Visionary Strategy

Let me start by saying I truly despise workshops and books that ask you to answer the question: “What type of leader are you?” or “What is your leadership style?” Highly effective leaders know that, while they may have types of strategies that they prefer or tend to default to, at the end of the day, they must be the leader the team and context demand at the time. Full stop.

So now that I have that off of my chest …

Leadership, especially in knowledge-focused, mission-driven fields such as education and social support, requires a delicate balance of skills. Broadly speaking, though, when it comes to actual skill sets, leaders often fall into one of two categories: Tactical Managers or Visionary Strategists. Both archetypes can be highly effective, but they approach leadership from fundamentally different angles. The challenge? Each group’s strengths can also become blind spots, impacting their ability to build well-rounded teams and make effective decisions.

Two Leadership Archetypes

  1. Tactical Managers: Tactical managers excel at execution. They are task-focused, organized, and efficient. They know how to manage programs, oversee logistics, and get things done on time and within budget. Their ability to stay on top of details is invaluable for operational success.

  2. Visionary Strategists: Visionary strategists thrive in the world of big ideas and long-term planning. They are dreamers and creators who see the bigger picture, imagine possibilities, and inspire others to pursue bold goals. Their talent lies in charting a course for the future and rallying others around a compelling vision.

The Problem: Self-Awareness and Blind Spots

While both types of leaders can achieve great success, their strengths often shape how they perceive their limitations:

  • Visionary leaders tend to be more aware of their shortcomings as tactical managers. If they possess emotional intelligence and self-awareness, they’ll recognize the gaps in their skillset and intentionally surround themselves with strong tactical managers. These complementary partnerships allow visionary strategists to bring their ideas to life while ensuring the details are handled.

  • Tactical Managers: On the other hand, tactical managers often lack awareness of their limitations as visionaries. They may assume that their linear, task-oriented approach is sufficient for leadership, not recognizing the need for strategic, big-picture thinking. This can lead to frustration when their decisions inadvertently unravel larger goals or fail to inspire others. Without visionary strategists on their team, they might pull threads without fully understanding the broader consequences.

What Can Organizations Do?

The key to supporting leaders is fostering self-awareness and building complementary teams. Here are five tools to get started:

  1. Develop Leadership Self-Awareness: Encourage leaders to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses. Tools like 360-degree feedback, coaching, and leadership assessments can help leaders understand where they excel and where they need support.

  2. Promote Collaborative Leadership Teams: Ensure that leadership teams include a mix of tactical managers and visionary strategists. Pairing these skillsets creates a balance of execution and innovation, allowing the organization to move forward with both precision and purpose.

  3. Celebrate Complementary Partnerships: Normalize the idea that no leader is perfect and that great leadership often comes from strong partnerships. Highlight examples where visionary strategists and tactical managers have worked together successfully to achieve significant outcomes.

  4. Provide Targeted Training: Offer professional development opportunities that help leaders build skills outside their comfort zone. For example, tactical managers might benefit from training in strategic planning and creative problem-solving, while visionary strategists could learn more about project management and operational efficiency.

  5. Reflect: Is it safe to be vulnerable in your organization? If seeking support and growth will be viewed as weakness or lacking, leaders will not seek or avail themselves of new learning. Foster a culture where leaders feel safe acknowledging their gaps and seeking input from others. This creates an environment where collaboration thrives and where leaders’ strengths can shine without fear of judgment.

Great leadership is rarely about being everything to everyone. It’s about knowing your strengths, recognizing your limitations, and surrounding yourself with the right people to complement your abilities. Organizations that prioritize building balanced leadership teams will not only avoid the pitfalls of one-dimensional leadership but also create a foundation for sustainable success.

Recognize whether your strength lies in the tactical or the strategic, and actively seek out team members who complement your skills. By building symbiotic partnerships, you’ll create a leadership team that balances vision with execution, ensuring both big ideas and the practical steps needed to achieve them are fully supported. Know yourself, build your team, and lead with purpose.


Being Great at the Work Doesn’t Mean Being Great at Leading the Work